Investment Universe

Existing funds are failing to tap Asia’s growth potential – hampered by Index failures.


India is at an inflection point, yet the world’s 5th largest and fastest growing large economy is Under-Weighted in MSCI ACWI and MSCI EM Asia.

MSCI India accounts for only 2% of MSCI ACWI v 4% global GDP v 8% global PPP.


In MSCI EM Asia, developed Taiwan is mis-defined as EM and equal weighted to India.

One company accounts for 52% of MSCI Taiwan.


Indonesia is poised to host the 4th largest middle class by 2030.

MSCI Indonesia fails to include ASEAN’s digital and mobility leaders.


Vietnam has a daily liquidity is poised to host the 4th largest middle class by 2030.

The index fails to include ASEAN’s digital and mobility leaders.

With allocations to Emerging Markets at all time lows, following 25 years of US outperformance, and growth slowing across developed markets…

SEVEN EIGHT ASSET identifies a unique opportunity for an unconstrained Asia Rising Fund, to harness the rapid economic growth taking place across Asia.

Breaking from a traditional index-driven approach, the fund will focus on the region's true economic strengths, investing in under-represented companies in under-represented countries.